Dr André Luis Faria-e-Silva

Dentiste clinicien enseignant agrégé
Faculté de médecine dentaire
Université Laval
Pavillon de Médecine dentaire, local 5519
Projets de recherche
- Évaluation des écarts de couleur dans les restaurations en composite
- Amélioration de la prise de décision clinique pour les interventions de restauration dentaire
- Utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle pour le diagnostic des caries
Publications en tant qu'auteur principal
- Faria-E-Silva AL, Heckel L, Belli R, Lohbauer U. Coulometric titration of water content and uptake in CAD/CAM chairside composites. Dental Materials. 2022;38(5):789-796.
- Faria-E-Silva A, Heckel L, Belli R, Lohbauer U. Determination of Water Content in Direct Resin Composites Using Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration. Materials 2022;15(23):8524.
- Faria-E-Silva AL, Pfeifer CS. Development of dual-cured resin cements with long working time, high conversion in absence of light and reduced polymerization stress. Dental Materials 2020;36(10):e293-e301.
- Faria-e-Silva AL, Santos A, Girotto E, Pfeifer SC. Impact of thiourethane filler surface functionalization on composite properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2019;136:47687.
- Faria-e-Silva AL, Dos Santos, A, Tang A, Girotto EM, Pfeifer CS. Effect of thiourethane filler surface functionalization on stress, conversion and mechanical properties of restorative dental composites. Dental Materials 2018;34(9):1351-1358.
- Faria-e-Silva AL, Covell-Jr DA, Ferracane JL, Pfeifer CS. Effectiveness of high irradiance for short time exposures on polymerization of composite under metallic brackets. Angle Orthodontist 2017; 87(6):834-840.
- Faria-E-Silva AL, Pfeifer CS. Delayed photo-activation and addition of thio-urethane: impact on polymerization kinetics and stress of dual-cured resin cements. Journal of Dentistry 2017;65:101-109.
- Faria-E-Silva AL, Pfeifer CS. Effectiveness of high-power LEDs to polymerize resin cements through ceramics: An in vitro study. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2017;118(5):631-636.
- Faria-e-Silva AL, Pfeifer CS. Impact of thio-urethane additive and filler type on light-transmission and depth of polymerization of dental composites. Dental Materials 2017;33(11):1274-1285.
- Faria-E-Silva AL, Nahsan FP, Fernandes MT, Martins-Filho PR. Effect of preventive use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on sensitivity after dental bleaching: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of American Dental Association 2015 Feb;146(2):87-93.e1.
- Faria-e-Silva AL, Araújo JE, Rocha GP, de Oliveira Ada S, de Moraes RR. Solvent content and dentin bond strengths using water-wet, ethanol-wet and deproteinization bonding techniques. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2013;71(3-4):710-5
- Faria-e-Silva AL, Piva E, Lima GS, Boaro LC, Braga RR, Martins LR. Effect of immediate and delayed light activation on the mechanical properties and degree of conversion in dual-cured resin cements. Journal of Oral Science 2012;54(3):261-6.
- Faria-e-Silva A, Boaro L, Braga R, Piva E, Arias V, Martins L. Effect of immediate or delayed light activation on curing kinetics and shrinkage stress of dual-cure resin cements. Operative Dentistry 2011;36(2):196-204.
- Faria-e-Silva AL, Lima AF, Moraes RR, Piva E, Martins LR. Degree of conversion of etch-and-rinse and self-etch adhesives light-cured using QTH or LED. Operative Dentistry 2010;35(6):649-54.
- Faria-e-Silva AL, De Moraes RR, Menezes Mde S, Capanema RR, De Moura AS, Martelli H Jr. Hardness and microshear bond strength to enamel and dentin of permanent teeth with hypocalcified amelogenesis imperfecta. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 2011;21(4):314-20.
- Faria-e-Silva AL, Fabião MM, Arias VG, Martins LR. Activation mode effects on the shear bond strength of dual-cured resin cements. Operative Dentistry 2010;35(5):515-21.
- Faria-e-Silva AL, Pedrosa-Filho Cde F, Menezes Mde S, Silveira DM, Martins LR. Effect of relining on fiber post retention to root canal. Journal of Applied Oral Science 2009;17(6):600-4.
- Faria-e-Silva AL, Moraes RR, Ogliari FA, Piva E, Martins LR. Panavia F: the role of the primer. Journal of Oral Science 2009;51(2):255-9.
- Faria-e-Silva AL, Casselli DS, Lima GS, Ogliari FA, Piva E, Martins LR. Kinetics of conversion of two dual-cured adhesive systems. Journal of Endodontics 2008;34(9):1115-8.
- Faria e Silva AL, Casselli DS, Ambrosano GM, Martins LR. Effect of the adhesive application mode and fiber post translucency on the push-out bond strength to dentin. Journal of Endodontics 2007;33(9):1078-81.
- Faria e Silva AL, Arias VG, Soares LE, Martin AA, Martins LR. Influence of fiber-post translucency on the degree of conversion of a dual-cured resin cement. Journal of Endodontics 2007;33(3):303-5.
- de Silva AL, Lima DA, de Souza GM, dos Santos CT, Paulillo LA. Influence of additional adhesive application on the microtensile bond strength of adhesive systems. Operative Dentistry 2006;31(5):562-8.
- F e Silva AL, Pereira GD, Dias CT, Sartini Paulillo LA. Effect of the composite photoactivation mode on microtensile bond strength and Knoop microhardness. Dental Materials 2006;22(3):203-10.