Dre Lilian Aboud

Professeure adjointe
Faculté de médecine dentaire
Université Laval
Pavillon de Médecine dentaire, local 5558
418 656-2131, poste 406040
- DE SOUZA, R.F.; ALLISON, P.; ABOUD, L.; MORRIS M. Evidence to Support Safe Return to Clinical Practice by Healthcare Professionals dental care in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: A report prepared for the Office of the Chief Dentist of Canada. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/health-professionals/evidence-safe-return-clinical-practice-oral-health.html, april\ 2021
- ALLISON, P.; DE SOUZA, R.F.; ABOUD, L.; MORRIS M. Evidence to Support Safe Return to Clinical Practice by Healthcare Professionals dental care in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: A report prepared for the Office of the Chief Dentist of Canada. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/health-professionals/evidence-safe-return-clinical-practice-oral-health.html , feb / 2021.
- ALLISON, P.; DE SOUZA, R.F.; ABOUD, L.; MORRIS M. Evidence to Support Safe Return to Clinical Practice by Healthcare Professionals dental care in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: A report prepared for the Office of the Chief Dentist of Canada. , dec / 2020.
- ABOUD, L.RL.; DOS SANTOS, B.C.; LOPES, R.T.; VIANA, L.A.C.; SCELZA, M.F.Z. Effect of aging on dentinal crack formation after treatment and retreatment procedures: a micro-CT study. Brazilian Dental Journal; v.29, n.6, nov/dez 2018.
- ABOUD, L.RL.; DOS SANTOS, B.C.; DOS SANTOS, T.M.P.; LOPES, R.T.; VIANA, L.A.C.; SCELZA, M.F.Z. The Influence of Dentin Age and the Presence of Cracks in Removal of the Root Filling Material. Iranian Endodontic Journal; v.13, n.3; p. 331-336, 2018.
Conférences et communications scientifiques
- 2019– Congrès American Association of Endodontic (AAE), Montreal, Canada.
- 2015– Congrès American Association of Endodontic (AAE): présentation d’un panel scientifique: “Conditions of active dissolution of nickel–titanium endodontic files in simulated root canals”; Seattle, USA.
- 2015– 22° Congrès international de médecine dentaire de Rio de Janeiro (CIORJ); Rio de Janeiro, Brésil.
- 2014- 30° Congrès de la Société brésilienne de recherche dentaire (SBPqO), présentation d’un panel scientifique: “The active dissolution of rotary files NiTi” – Águas de Lindóia, Sao Paulo, Brésil.
- 2013- 21° Congrès international de médecine dentaire de Rio de Janeiro (CIORJ); Rio de Janeiro, Brésil.